Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Easter Eggs 2013

VeggieTales Easter Egg - Bob and Larry

Princess Bride Easter Egg - As you wish

Treble Clef and Bass Clef Heart Easter Egg 

Lord of the Rings elven writing Easter Egg.

Crossword Easter Egg

Cedar Point Easter Egg 

All of my favorite roller coasters listed on the egg :)

I am a Princess

Purity means waiting for the person that God has chosen for you to marry. The world encourages us to date many people until we find the right one, but by doing so, each time we give away a piece of our heart. The world encourages us to be in a relationship when we are 13, but God tells us to wait until He shows us the right person.

The cool thing is that if it's God's will for a certain person to marry, He has created the perfect person for them. Literally created :) How cool is that? I don't have to go looking for a person to marry, God will bring him to me. The person He brings will be made just for me.