Thursday, June 16, 2011

All better!


  1. Let us just pretend that I have't read and already commented on your previous post, shall we? Because then I could say...

    I'm so glad to hear that you're feeling better!


    I agree, flip flops and sandals and even open-toe shoes are better than boots in this weather.

  2. She wants to know what URL stands for.

  3. She being Allison of course. BTW, that last comment was written by Allison who enjoys speaking in the third person but decided after the comment was posted that it may be unclear and you might think I was referring to Julianne who does not (to my knowledge) wonder such a thing. I suppose I should have left this on the other blog so that you could employ the other certified genius of the RCLC family
    This comment was also posted by Allison

  4. URL = Abbreviation: Uniform (or universal) resource locator, the address of a World Wide Web page.

    I will see what happens when I put a URL in...

  5. WOW! When you put a URL in, your commenting name links somewhere. For example, click on mine above and you will go to the home page of my blog.



com·ment /ˈkäment/
Noun - A remark expressing an opinion or reaction.

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