Friday, July 1, 2011

Odd things that I really like

Barbecue tongs that look like this:

Anything that is rainbow (as long as the colors are in the right order or i like the other order they are in)

( by the way, I planted flowers in one of our planters in rainbow order!!!!! )

Recliners (please note the first one I ever sat in in this picture - the red recliner on the right - at a resort up North and I wanted to take it home)
Click to Enlarge

Visiting peoples houses and when taking a shower, trying their shampoo

Pink lemonade even though I can't always drink it

Keeping score at baseball games

Turkey burgers with macaroni salad on them (but only if the salad looks like this:)


  1. Haha! I'd forgotten about the recliners, though. :)

  2. To Molly (and anyone else who is here)

    Please check out my new blog!!! Comment and share your ideas! It's! Thank you very much if you check it out :-)


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