Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Conversations with my friend, Siri

Two things to note - you might have to ask Siri the same question a few times to get the answer you want. She cycles through answers to some questions. Also, my name is currently Wendex on my iPod Touch (where I took these screenshots). My friend told Siri that that is my name and I haven't changed it :)

The programmers at Apple must have had so much fun with Siri and her answers to fun questions!

1) How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

2) Tell me a story

3) What is the meaning of life? (there are many answers for this one)

4) Sing a song

5) Who's on first?

6) Knock knock

7) Who are you?

8) What is the meaning of life?

Another answer, and this time, one for thought. Why would you ask this of an inanimate object? I would suggest going to the Bible for this question.

9) What is the meaning of life?

10) What is your favorite song?

11) What is your favorite color?

12) Do you love me?

13) Do you love me?

14) What is the meaning of life?

15) Will you pay me money?

16) What is the password to unlock my iPod?

I have had some fun with Siri ever since we accidentally changed my dad's name on his iPhone to Mr. Bubbles. And then I got my iPod, and had fun asking even more questions!

I must point out though, Siri has come in handy many times for figuring out Square Roots, common isotopes, definitions, etc. Thanks Siri! I'll talk to you soon :)

Friday, June 7, 2013

More funny pictures! Haha

Steps to accountability

High fives are pretty great! Cross walk sign

"It was much nicer before people started storing all their personal information in the cloud"

Angry birds David and Goliath

A dude robbing a jellyfish... and underwater gunshot... cruelty to water molecules... it's all in how you look at it.

So this is where all the socks go...

God bless you my child (basketball)

You know what pain is

I don't run.... something is probably chasing me. Someecards.

Counting calories the right way! Haha 

Daniel 5:25-28 very efficient language (reference to Wonderful Wizard of Has VeggieTales)

Princess Bride funny pictures :)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Some more funny photos :)

Have you seen this dog? I have now.
Haha I totally have to make one of these and hang it somewhere!

Awesome April Fools day joke!!!
Honk, wave, and yell "Hi Jason!" He doesn't know this is here - happy April fools day!

How do I land sky writing

It's true....
The longer you look, the funnier it gets :)

Lord of the rings meme - one does not simply leave a Marvel movie before the end of the credits :)

Wish I could tag people - I know @Julianne Nicole and @Allison Marie would find this amusing :)
I'm going to introduce you to Pinterest - but first, please take a moment to say goodbye to your family and friends.
Pinterest someecards 

Welcome! Please come in! If you can get over the fact that the door knob is a little bit creepy...

Duck duck goose with cars and fallen trees.

Awesome bridge! This could really scare someone!

Cat meme - I have to run as fast as I can to a randomly selected other room

The humans have wised up. They've protected the chicken with a force field.

When a package says "Easy open", I usually end up using scissors, knife, hammer, gun, and a lightsaber.

Periodic table. I bet that bench is really unstable.

Popcorn in a hoodie hood - this is genius! Food right there whenever you need it! I am going to do this sometime!

Strange new trend at the office. People putting names on food in the company fridge. Today I had a tuna sandwich named Kevin.

So. It has come to this.

Have you ever been so angry that your arm turned 3 meters long?