Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Some more funny photos :)

Have you seen this dog? I have now.
Haha I totally have to make one of these and hang it somewhere!

Awesome April Fools day joke!!!
Honk, wave, and yell "Hi Jason!" He doesn't know this is here - happy April fools day!

How do I land sky writing

It's true....
The longer you look, the funnier it gets :)

Lord of the rings meme - one does not simply leave a Marvel movie before the end of the credits :)

Wish I could tag people - I know @Julianne Nicole and @Allison Marie would find this amusing :)
I'm going to introduce you to Pinterest - but first, please take a moment to say goodbye to your family and friends.
Pinterest someecards 

Welcome! Please come in! If you can get over the fact that the door knob is a little bit creepy...

Duck duck goose with cars and fallen trees.

Awesome bridge! This could really scare someone!

Cat meme - I have to run as fast as I can to a randomly selected other room

The humans have wised up. They've protected the chicken with a force field.

When a package says "Easy open", I usually end up using scissors, knife, hammer, gun, and a lightsaber.

Periodic table. I bet that bench is really unstable.

Popcorn in a hoodie hood - this is genius! Food right there whenever you need it! I am going to do this sometime!

Strange new trend at the office. People putting names on food in the company fridge. Today I had a tuna sandwich named Kevin.

So. It has come to this.

Have you ever been so angry that your arm turned 3 meters long?


  1. This is so funny! :) Yes, I do love the pinterest one. (Sadly, because it's true. lol) I also rather like your comment on the bench- genius, you! And eating Kevin. lol And the cat one is so true! @Allison. lol And...
    Just kidding. I'm not going to talk about every single picture you posted. I'll leave some material for other commenters. :)


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