Tuesday, September 13, 2011

YAY! 100 posts!

Oooops... I almost typed 3 zeros in the title :)

Well anyway, I've finally reached 100 posts! Wow! And all you readers out there are what keep me motivated! I have 122 comments and 568 pageviews! Every 4.6 times (on average) someone looks at my blog they comment! Wow! I started this blog on May 21, 2011. That's just 115 days! Let's see, that's an average of 1.06 comments per day, about .86 posts per day (though usually I do a lot each day and not every day), and 4.94 pageviews per day!!!!!

Thank you all, you're all awesome!

Miss Molly

1 comment:

com·ment /ˈkäment/
Noun - A remark expressing an opinion or reaction.

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