Saturday, February 23, 2013

Carrying Home Studios in the Making - Part 1

We are turning a room in our basement into a music studio. Here are the photos of what we've done so far...

This exercise was in the room. We posted a picture on facebook and someone wanted it...

He came and took it from the room. Here it is almost gone. (The table in the back left is an antique sewing machine that is stored in the room right now. It will move up to my bedroom when the music equipment comes downstairs. The room also had a lot of other stuff stored in it - exercise equipment, my dad's running gear, a box of miscellaneous items, old curtains, and a tent. All of those things have been moved out :)

The empty room! You wouldn't believe how happy I was (and still am every time I walk downstairs) when it was empty!

The door on the left opens to the basement. The door on the right is the door to a water valve room or something :)

I am washing the rubber gloves that I will wear when applying the bleach cleaning solution to the walls. The next photos will show you why the walls need to be bleached.

There was a whole bunch of mold and mildew on the molding. I laid plastic and paper and applied a bleach solution (multiple time) to clean it.

Remember how bad this corner looks...

This is the back of the door leading to the water valve room.

Mold armor!!! - it works amazingly!

I have mold armor and a sponge and I'm not afraid to use it!

This is the corner after it was bleached :) Amazing, huh?

Cleaning the back of the door...

Cleaning the bleach off the wall with my sponge

This is how it looked after I finished!!!! 

Today we are going to patch holes in the wall, clean the carpet, and prime the molding. Right now I am thinking that 2 walls are going to be pink (behr 130B-5 Bridesmaid), 2 will be lime green (behr S-G-400 Lime Pop), the molding will be off white (behr W-B-400 Vermont Cream), and there will be decorations on the walls painted in dark brown (behr 750B-6). The ceiling tiles are going to be painted with album covers of CDs that I really like (Beatles, Owl City, etc.).

Super excited!

To be continued...


  1. OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! It is coming along amazingly well and I know the colors are going to be awesome! I cannot WAIT to see it all done!

  2. Exciting! Oh, and I am a terrible friend for not reading this sooner... So excited to see it. :)

  3. The last comment was Julianne, by the way. Sorry, mom! Didn't mean to hack your account... It just happened. :)


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