I have decided to make a list of things that inspire me and other random things I love. Ya'll can post in the comments thing that inspire you if you want to...
1. Plays -- I've never really liked musical movies but last Summer we went to a Shakespeare play in the Arb (a park in Ann Arbor) and I could not stop humming/singing the whole way home (there was a huge storm chasing us home that day)
2. Awesome Summer days that aren't too hot and aren't too cold and there's just enough wind that you can't even feel the air around you. Don't know if you've ever experienced one, but if not I feel bad for you. It makes me want to sing at the top of my lungs to praise God!
3. My dog -- sometimes I'm laying next to my dog and for some reason it gives me an inspiration. Odd, huh?
4. Little Accomplishments -- For example, there was the day that I discovered how to connect our robots by Bluetooth. I was practically flying around the house :) And making Spaghetti is fun, too. Random thought.
5. Kindness -- It really inspires me to be nice when someone is nice to me. For example, when someone holds the door for me I like to hold the door for someone else and pass it on. Funny story -- one time I held the door for 2 people and they went to return the favor holding the door for me. They opened two doors that had a pole in the middle. I had a hard time deciding which door to go through :) if that made any sense at all...
6. Smiles -- I guess this sort of falls under kindness, but I love smiles so much I have to mention them on their own. When someone smiles at me it makes me want to smile back as big as i can :)
7. When people say my name -- I heard a quote somewhere that went something like "I love it when you say my name because then I know that I crossed your mind, if even for just a second". Whenever someone says my name I know that they thought about me :)
8. Oh, and some things I love -- Jesus #1, my family #2, and my friends of course! Jesus -- I LOVE YOU and I would be eternally lost without your guidance! Mama, Daddy, and Max -- I am BLESSED to have a family so loving and caring as you! To ALL my friends, I don't know what I would do without you!
9. Blogging! As you've probably guessed, blogging inspires me! (after I write one post I can't stop!) And it's fun too. To anyone who doesn't have a blog, I encourage you to get one! (and as my dad says, remember: there is very little difference between "blogger" and "frogger". Always remember that.)
10. MUSIC! Music is critical. Music is amazing. Music is inspiring. I love music! Fave artists: Owl City! Francesca Battistelli, Kutless, Chris Tomlin, Chris August, Casting Crowns.
GTG -- See ya! Molly