Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Happy Summer!

I've realized that a lot of my recent posts have been funny pictures and a post here and there with a picture of my going-ons. But I haven't talked very much in depth about my life now.

So... what's been going on with me? Well, I've been busy - way too busy for Summer :) We were up north for two weekends and that interrupted our Summer - causing it to seem much shorter. Add that to the cool weather (does Mr. Weather think it's Fall already? He's a bit ahead of himself!) and Summer has, metaphorically, flown away.

I'm beginning Segment Two of Driver's Ed tomorrow which means 1) this week isn't going to help the missing-Summer situation and 2) I can drive on my own soon! Soon being after I complete Segment 2, drive more night hours, take a road test, and my parents say yes.

And then there was Vacation Bible School a couple weeks ago, which also didn't help the missing-Summer situation. But it was awesome! God was present and was working in the kids (and us helpers') lives. Kids came to Christ, we all had a great week grounded in teachings of the Bible, I made some new friends, strengthened friendships with old ones, and had a fun week all around!

Anyway, I hope to be posting more in the Fall once I start up my schedule again. It's funny that I can make myself believe the same lie every school year - I'll be able to blog/do other things more regularly now that I'm on a normal schedule. Haha. I also somehow manage to convince myself every year that I will stick to my school routine and accomplish EVERY subject EVERY week. Another haha. I'm so glad I'm homeschooled :)

My life these days has been great! Blessed with time spent with friends and family. Blessed with the MOST AMAZING friends and family. Blessed with relaxation and summer. Blessed so much by the MOST AMAZING God.

Happy Summer, everyone!

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