Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A (very funny) explanation email I received from Julianne in 2012 and forgot to post :)

So here goes! I'm sure you'll all find this very amusing. I found the old email today and was cracking up. Thanks Julianne, for all the smiles you've brought to my life! :)

> Once upon a time, Molly was in driver's ed.  Being the supportive friend and obsessive quote collector that she is, Julianne looked up some quotes on driving and gave the compilation to Molly.  Later, she found that she had missed one.  Smoothly keeping things under control, she wrote it on a different piece of paper and stuck it on Molly's wall.  It was as follows:
> "I put a new engine in my car, but forgot to take the old one out.  Now my car goes 500 miles per hour.  The harmonica sounds amazing."
> -Stephen Wright
> For some unexplainable reason, Julianne found this amusing.  A bit random, perhaps, but she didn't think that Molly would have a problem with that.  After all, Molly Owl City's biggest fan.  Despite Julianne's assurance, though, Molly did wonder what sort of crazy talk Julianne was pasting to her wall.  (She didn't say it quite like that, of course, because Molly is a very kind person.)  Julianne had just sat down to write an explanation explaining that she was unable to answer Molly's question because she is not an auto mechanic, when she thought better of it and decided to look at her quote app instead.  It was a good decision, for which the part of the world that enters Molly's room will forever be grateful.  She found this quote:
> "I play the harmonica.  The only way I can play is if I get my car going really fast, and stick it out the window."
> -(our old friend)  Stephen Wright.


  1. I was just thinking about this the other day! I wish you could post your voice when you called me, "Umm... Julianne... What does 'The harmonica sounds amazing' mean?" lol

    And I posted one of your very entertaining pieces that you wrote for me today! :)

  2. Oh my goodness, that is SOOOOO funny!


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