Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Owl City

I have to tell you a bit about this singer that is amazing. He is from Minnesota, music is his life, and the best part is that he is a Christian! To clarify the last part, he is not a Christian singer, he is a very popular secular singer, but he does sing some Christian music! And his name is.... Adam Young! Now anyone who has not been informed about him from me (or anyone else) probably knows him as Owl City, the band that became super popular with his song Fireflies. Great song, btw. But I do love his new song Galaxies. Christian song! Yay! 
So today I am going to offer proof that Adam Young is a Christian. First, he acknowledges it on his blog. Second, it is mentioned in various songs. Third, he has a video about touring and before he goes out to sing him and his band pray together (and watching it you actually hear him praying!) Cool huh?
He has a great voice and his talent is definitely a gift from God. His songs are filled with great sounds, and his music is both relaxing and inspiring :) Thanks for your awesome music, Adam Young! And thanks for acknowledging your faith for all the world to see! Proverbs 3:6 "In all thy ways acknowledge [God], and he shall direct thy paths."


  1. You know, I don't listen to him, but I would if you bought me a cd. Just in case you need a random birthday idea. :)

  2. Owl City is AMAZINGLY INCREDIBLY AWESOME!!!! I love Owl City...

    An Owl City Obsessed person (a.k.a. Valerie)


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