Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The ballad of the Lonely Sock

Once upon a time, only one very cool colorful sock went through the washer. His poor friend (the other very cool colorful sock) was left behind in the dirty laundry, heartbroken to be put through the agony of separation from his best friend for life. They always had done things together; when they were in the sock drawer they clung tightly to each other. Whenever they were worn on Molly's feet, they were worn together. The separation was almost unbearable.
Molly taped the Lonely Sock on the wall (And she spelled Lonely wrong like "lonley" and didn't even realize it until she was typing this and a little red line appeared under the word). The reason she did this was so that they would not be separated for life in the sock drawer. When his buddy reappeared after a long trek through the wicked washer and the deadly dryer, Molly reunited them by taping the other to the wall to be with his friend. The post-it note by his head continued the thought "Lonely sock :("... "Is no longer lonely :)"
Molly's friend Nick came to her house. He asked the story of the Lonely sock and why she had taped her sock to her wall. She explained and when she was not looking, he took the lonely sock's friend off the wall and put a new post-it note up that read "is still lonely >:0" 
 And the story lives on. Who knows what will happen next with the Lonely Sock and his best friend for life. The best we can do is hope they will be reunited someday. Sadly, at this time, I am unable to end this story "and they all lived happily ever after". Maybe someday....

1 comment:

  1. How funny! I can totally see Nick doing that, too. :) I miss FIAR. :(


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