Thursday, September 15, 2011

More questions and answers with Molly

Questions and Answers with Molly (Molly wrote both the questions and the answers)
Topic: Hanging disco balls from the ceiling

Q. What inspired this (odd) topic?
A. I am with Max at the orthodontist

Q. And that inspired it because…
A. They have a disco ball hung from the ceiling, along with a blow up guitar, fake records, and gold stars.

Q. What do you think about the safety aspect about hanging disco balls from the ceiling?
A. Not safe at all. Someone could accidentally throw a knife in the air, cut the string, and the disco ball could fall on someone’s head.

Q. Wouldn’t the flying knife be much more dangerous?
A. Yes, but no need to add another danger into the picture, right?

Q. Sure… I’m still stuck on the flying knife aspect of the picture.
A. Don’t worry about it. People don’t generally accidentally throw knives in the air.

Q. Then why is the disco ball dangerous?
A. What if a very very very tall person came in, hit their head on it, and it shattered, cutting their head?

Q. You’d have to be about 7 or 8 feet to run into it. If you were that tall, don’t you think you’d be used to dodging hanging objects?
A. What if you were blind?

Q. When you find someone who is 7 or 8 feet tall, blind, and in this very Orthodontist office, can you let me know?
A. Sure! Why? You doubt I will? Do you really doubt me??!!??!!

Q. Yes.
A. That is not a question.


  1. To quote my mother:
    "Oh, she's at the orthodontist with Max so she has nothing else to do but think crazy thoughts." lol

    I like your crazy thoughts! :) They entertain me.

  2. "Don’t worry about it. People don’t generally accidentally throw knives in the air."

    Well, people like Molly often do eccentric things (ex: when we made the vinegar and baby powder concoction...or was it baby soda? I mean baking soda...) Molly might throw knives but hopefully she doesn't....does she???


  3. Good question... lol. Molly, your blog posts have been inspiring new questions in our minds. :)


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