Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Wishes

Let's do a bit of imagining for a minute. Close your eyes. That's sure to make it hard to read this... how about this? Just make a picture in your mind with your eyes OPEN and read the screen at the same time. Deal? Or if you're really talented, read this with your eyes closed.

Here's the picture: a genie walks up to me. Backtrack... I don't think genies walk. I think they float or something after you rub their lamp. Start over. 

I rub a genie's magic lamp. This guy comes out...
Haha :) He asks me what three wishes I would like. I think for a minute, then reply "I don't think you'd be able to give them to me." 

He looks at me for a minute, then says "how bout you ask anyway? Ya never know!"

I sigh, and reluctantly say, "alright, here they are...

"I wish that every person who looks at me sees Jesus in my actions and my words.

"I wish that I can convey to them the immeasurable depth of my Savior's Love.

"I wish that I can learn to control my tongue, to keep sin from leaving my lips, and to really think about what I say.

"I wish that I can keep my thoughts on things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy.

"I wish that I can always learn to be a servant, letting God work through my hands and my actions.

"I wish that I could stop sinning.

"I wish that my life would be a beacon of hope to the hopeless because they see Jesus.

"I wish that I could be a bubbling stream of joy and hope, and that my words would speak of Salvation to all that will listen. I wish that my optimism would bring happiness to those around me.

"The list goes on... I wish to be pure, loving, kind, peaceful, patient, good, gentle, faithful, and self-controlling. What do you say? Can you grant my wishes?"

The genie is speechless for a minute. Then he speaks, "I can only do three wishes per person... let's start there."

"Genie, no. I know you can't do them. I know you can't change my thoughts, words, and actions."

He looks disappointed, as though I actually might have believed that he could. Finally, his face lights up with an idea. 

"Hey Molly, here's the deal: I can't change your thoughts, actions, or words, you are the only one who can. But I know someone who can help! His name is God, and if you pray to Him and ask for help being the beautiful Christian He wants you to be, He will be there to support you and guide you!"

Open your eyes. That's the promise we all receive as Christians. That God will send His Holy Spirit to dwell in our hearts and guide us and help us. Even when the road is tough and it's hard to discern right from wrong, His Spirit can help.

All you have to do is pray a prayer something like this:

I know I'm a sinner. I know that I do wrong. I say things without thinking, and I do things that hurt people. 
Please be in my heart and help me to make the right choices. Help me to share your love and be a beacon of light and hope in a dark land. Help the words I say to be the RIGHT words, and help them show love and not anger or hard feelings. Help me to forgive easily and forget the wrong done to me.
God, I want to be more like you. You are holy, true, noble, pure, right, good, amazing, and praiseworthy, and I'm not anywhere near your holiness. Help me to learn your ways.
Please let your Holy Spirit live in me. I love you.
In Jesus' name, amen.

God bless, ~Molly

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