Wednesday, July 27, 2011

To solve my own problem... and hopefully yours too if this is your problem

I often have the problem that I don't know what to blog about. So here I am, presenting many ideas, in hopes that next time I have that problem I can solve it! Oh, and if you ever have that problem, it's for you too!

1. The day just experienced
2. Your favorite things
3. Your pet (be it a dog, cat, or aye-aye)

4. The above picture of an aye-aye
5. Cool animals
6. A random Bible verse
7. Your favorite Bible verse
8. Your best friend's favorite person who lives in Massachusetts (for some people, including me, this might be a hard one)
8. The fact that I did the number 8 twice
9. The fact that you just went back and looked
10. Your tenth birthday party
11. A memory of childhood

Hey! That just inspired me! I know what to write about now! More later,


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